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Getting Forward Backward Mouse Buttons Working In

카테고리 없음

by mecorife1984 2020. 2. 8. 23:19


Hey guys, Strange issue, I can't get my forward and back mouse buttons to bind in the key bindings. I usually set the forward button to toggle primary and the back button to gadget 2. I think they are mouse button 3 and mouse button 4.

Logitech mice with more than 5 buttons generally use a virtual HID to interface the extra buttons with windows. That means that AHK might not detect some buttons on Logitech mice, whatever you do.

Getting Forward Backward Mouse Buttons Working In

Fortunately, another AHK user decided to tweak the Logitech firmware and gave us. That should let you redefine your mouse's extra buttons.UberOptions is great and I couldn't survive without it But it still requires having the dreaded 'Logitech Software' installed P.S. This thread has a solution that involves SetPoint combined with UberOptions Backwards

Thanks Lexikos for this script, Even though I've written scripts before I always get confused by dll calls. I'll be using this to make software for a hacked mouse (GPL of course) so that 5 switches can be plugged into it and programmed with any function so that people with physical and intellectual disabilities can interact with a computer much more and for much cheaper than other ways available.

So thankyou again for this - I'll upload the software when its finished and put you in the credits list.

Getting Forward Backward Mouse Buttons Working In

Mouse Works Backwards

Back and forward buttons are not working (special buttons 4 and 5) in Mac OS. If it isn't possible to get this running on mac (at least right now), does anyone have any workaround suggestions? Thus far the only functional solution I have is running is via an apple script in the program tab on keypress: Back: osascript -e 'tell application 'System Events' to keystroke ' using command down' Forward: osascript -e 'tell application 'System Events' to keystroke ' using command down' OS: macOS Sierra Device used: M65 Pro.